The SECR Society caters for many interests. The main categories being research, modelling which are often inter-related, and artefacts, either as existing infrastructure or individual items. Modelling, however, is probably the great initiator.
When someone decides to model a particular railway and location, the next questions are likely to be:
“How much scratch building and “scratch aid” kit building modelling do I want to do?”
“What kits are available and where can I get them?”
“Are there any ready-to-run models available to me?”
This section of the website provides lists and suggestions to help the would-be modeller. The most common scales are shown – 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, 7 mm, 10 mm and there’s even a 5” Gauge live steam reference.
Of course, by joining the SECR Society, the new member gains access to drawings, photographs and, perhaps most importantly, other members who already have many years of modelling experience of the SECR and its constituents.
These documents contain information about commercially available models, kits and other products relating to the three railways in 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, 7 mm and 10 mm scales.